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Options for animating views using block objects.

public struct AnimationOptions: OptionSet 



Nested Type Aliases


public typealias RawValue = UInt



public init(rawValue: RawValue) 



public let rawValue: RawValue


Lay out subviews at commit time so that they are animated along with their parent.

public static var layoutSubviews: View.AnimationOptions 


Allow the user to interact with views while they are being animated.

public static var allowUserInteraction: View.AnimationOptions 


Start the animation from the current setting associated with an already in-flight animation.

public static var beginFromCurrentState: View.AnimationOptions 

If this key is not present, all in-flight animations are allowed to finish before the new animation is started. If another animation is not in flight, this key has no effect.


Repeat the animation indefinitely.

public static var `repeat`: View.AnimationOptions 


Run the animation backwards and forwards (must be combined with the repeat option).

public static var autoreverse: View.AnimationOptions 


Force the animation to use the original duration value specified when the animation was submitted.

public static var overrideInheritedDuration: View.AnimationOptions 


Force the animation to use the original curve value specified when the animation was submitted.

public static var overrideInheritedCurve: View.AnimationOptions 

If this key is not present, the animation inherits the curve of the in-flight animation, if any.


Animate the views by changing the property values dynamically and redrawing the view.

public static var allowAnimatedContent: View.AnimationOptions 


Hide or show views during a view transition.

public static var showHideTransitionViews: View.AnimationOptions 

When present, this key causes views to be hidden or shown (instead of removed or added) when performing a view transition. Both views must already be present in the parent view’s hierarchy when using this key. If this key is not present, the to-view in a transition is added to, and the from-view is removed from, the parent view’s list of subviews.


The option to not inherit the animation type or any options.

public static var overrideInheritedOptions: View.AnimationOptions 


Specify an ease-in ease-out curve, which causes the animation to begin slowly, accelerate through the middle of its duration, and then slow again before completing.

public static var curveEaseInOut: View.AnimationOptions 


An ease-in curve causes the animation to begin slowly, and then speed up as it progresses.

public static var curveEaseIn: View.AnimationOptions 


An ease-out curve causes the animation to begin quickly, and then slow as it completes.

public static var curveEaseOut: View.AnimationOptions 


A linear animation curve causes an animation to occur evenly over its duration.

public static var curveLinear: View.AnimationOptions 


A transition that flips a view around its vertical axis from left to right (the left side of the view moves toward the front and right side toward the back).

public static var transitionFlipFromLeft: View.AnimationOptions 


A transition that flips a view around its vertical axis from right to left (the right side of the view moves toward the front and left side toward the back).

public static var transitionFlipFromRight: View.AnimationOptions 


A transition that curls a view up from the bottom.

public static var transitionCurlUp: View.AnimationOptions 


A transition that curls a view down from the top.

public static var transitionCurlDown: View.AnimationOptions 


A transition that dissolves from one view to the next.

public static var transitionCrossDissolve: View.AnimationOptions 


A transition that flips a view around its horizontal axis from top to bottom (the top side of the view moves toward the front and the bottom side toward the back).

public static var transitionFlipFromTop: View.AnimationOptions 


A frame rate of 30 frames per second.

public static var preferredFramesPerSecond30: View.AnimationOptions 

Specify this value to request a preferred frame rate. It’s recommended that you use the default value unless you have identified a specific need for an explicit rate.


A frame rate of 60 frames per second.

public static var preferredFramesPerSecond60: View.AnimationOptions 

Specify this value to request a preferred frame rate. It’s recommended that you use the default value unless you have identified a specific need for an explicit rate.