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The current state a gesture recognizer is in.

public enum State: Int 



Enumeration Cases


The gesture recognizer has not yet recognized its gesture, but may be evaluating touch events. This is the default state.

case possible


The gesture recognizer has received touch objects recognized as a continuous gesture. It sends its action message (or messages) at the next cycle of the run loop.

case began


The gesture recognizer has received touches recognized as a change to a continuous gesture. It sends its action message (or messages) at the next cycle of the run loop.

case changed


The gesture recognizer has received touches recognized as the end of a continuous gesture. It sends its action message (or messages) at the next cycle of the run loop and resets its state to GestureRecognizer.State.possible.

case ended


The gesture recognizer has received touches resulting in the cancellation of a continuous gesture. It sends its action message (or messages) at the next cycle of the run loop and resets its state to GestureRecognizer.State.possible.

case cancelled


The gesture recognizer has received a multi-touch sequence that it cannot recognize as its gesture. No action message is sent and the gesture recognizer is reset to GestureRecognizer.State.possible.

case failed



The gesture recognizer has received a multi-touch sequence that it recognizes as its gesture. It sends its action message (or messages) at the next cycle of the run loop and resets its state to GestureRecognizer.State.possible.

public static var recognized: GestureRecognizer.State