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A factory class for creating layout constraint objects using a fluent API.

public class LayoutAnchor<AnchorType: AnyObject> 



Returns a constraint that defines one item’s attribute as equal to another.

public func constraint(equalTo anchor: LayoutAnchor<AnchorType>)
      -> LayoutConstraint 


Returns a constraint that defines one item’s attribute as equal to another item’s attribute plus a constant offset.

public func constraint(equalTo anchor: LayoutAnchor<AnchorType>,
                         constant offset: Double) -> LayoutConstraint 


Returns a constraint that defines one item’s attribute as greater than or equal to another.

public func constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo anchor: LayoutAnchor<AnchorType>)
      -> LayoutConstraint 


Returns a constraint that defines one item’s attribute as greater than or equal to another item’s attribute plus a constant offset.

public func constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo anchor: LayoutAnchor<AnchorType>,
                         constant offset: Double) -> LayoutConstraint 


Returns a constraint that defines one item’s attribute as less than or equal to another.

public func constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo anchor: LayoutAnchor<AnchorType>)
      -> LayoutConstraint 


Returns a constraint that defines one item’s attribute as less than or equal to another item’s attribute plus a constant offset.

public func constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo anchor: LayoutAnchor<AnchorType>,
                         constant offset: Double) -> LayoutConstraint