Link Search Menu Expand Document


An abstract superclass for items that you can add to a bar that appears at the bottom of the screen.

open class BarItem 



Initializes the bar item to its default state.

public init() 



The title displayed on the item.

open var title: String?

You should set this property before adding the item to a bar. The default value is nil.


The image used to represent the item.

open var image: Image?

This image can be used to create other images to represent this item on the bar — for example, a selected and unselected image may be derived from this image. You should set this property before adding the item to a bar. The default value is nil.


The image to use to represent the item in landscape orientation.

open var landscapeImage: Image?

This image can be used to create other images to represent this item on the bar — for example, a selected and unselected image may be derived from this image. You should set this property before adding the item to a bar. The default value is nil.


The image to display for assistive interfaces.

open var largeContentSizeImage: Image?

Use this property to specify a high-resolution version of the item’s image. When displaying an assistive interface, the framework displays this image instead of the standard image. The default value of this property is nil.

If you do not specify an image for this property, the framework scales the image that you specified in the image property.


The image inset or outset for each edge.

open var imageInsets: EdgeInsets = .zero

The default value is zero.


The image inset or outset for each edge of the image in landscape orientation.

open var landscapeImageInsets: EdgeInsets = .zero

The default value is zero.


The insets to apply to the bar item’s large image when displaying the image in an assistive UI.

open var largeContentSizeImageInsets: EdgeInsets = .zero

The default value of this property is zero.


A boolean value indicating whether the item is enabled.

open var isEnabled: Bool = true

If false, the item is drawn partially dimmed to indicate it is disabled. The default value is true.


The receiver’s tag, an application-supplied integer that you can use to identify bar item objects in your application.

open var tag: Int = 0

The default value is 0.



Sets the title’s text attributes for a given control state.

open func setTitleTextAttributes(_ attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key:Any]?,
                                   for state: Control.State) 


Returns the title’s text attributes for a given control state.

open func titleTextAttributes(for state: Control.State)
      -> [NSAttributedString.Key:Any]? 

The dictionary may contain key-value pairs for text attributes for the font, text color, text shadow color, and text shadow offset using the keys listed in NSString Additions Reference.