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A set of bar button items on the shortcuts bar.

open class BarButtonItemGroup 



Initializes and returns a bar button item group with the specified items.

public init(barButtonItems: [BarButtonItem], representativeItem: BarButtonItem?) 



The bar button items to display on the shortcuts bar.

open var barButtonItems: [BarButtonItem]

You may include any number of bar button items in a group, but you should keep the total number of items relatively small because of space considerations. The items in a group are typically related to each other, but need not be. The array must contain at least one item.

Items can belong to only one group at a time. If you specify an item that is already in a group, the framework removes the item from its previous group before assigning it to the current group.


The item to display for a group when space is constrained.

open var representativeItem: BarButtonItem?

When space is constrained on the shortcuts bar, the framework may display a group’s representative item in place of its actual items. The representative item is a single bar button item that is unique from the other items in the group. Tapping the representative item calls its action method normally. If you omit that action method, the framework responds by automatically displaying the group’s items in a standard interface.

If you do not specify a representative item for a group, the framework tries to display the group’s items in the shortcuts bar. If space is still constrained, the framework may modify the appearance of items in the group to make room for all of the items. For example, the framework may truncate the titles of textual bar button items. When space is severely constrained, the framework may not even display a group’s representative item.


A boolean value indicating whether the representative item is being displayed in place of the group’s items.

open private(set) var isDisplayingRepresentativeItem: Bool = true

The value of this property is true when the representative item is being displayed in the shortcuts bar. The value is false when the individual bar button items are being displayed in the shortcuts bar.