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A set of methods for converting between different frames of reference on a screen.

public protocol CoordinateSpace 



Getting the Bounds Rectangle The bounds rectangle describing the item’s location and size in its own coordinate system.

var bounds: Rect 


Converting Between Coordinate Spaces Converts a point from the coordinate space of the current object to the specified coordinate space.

func convert(_: Point, to: CoordinateSpace) -> Point


Converts a point from the specified coordinate space to the coordinate space of the current object.

func convert(_: Point, from: CoordinateSpace) -> Point


Converts a rectangle from the coordinate space of the current object to the specified coordinate space.

func convert(_: Rect, to: CoordinateSpace) -> Rect


Converts a rectangle from the specified coordinate space to the coordinate space of the current object.

func convert(_: Rect, from: CoordinateSpace) -> Rect