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A set of methods that enable an object (such as a navigation controller) to drive a view controller transition.

public protocol ViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning 

Default Implementations


public var wantsInteractiveStart: Bool 


public var completionCurve: View.AnimationCurve 


public var completionSpeed: Double 



Called when the system needs to set up the interactive portions of a view controller transition and start the animations.

func startInteractiveTransition(_ transitionContext: ViewControllerContextTransitioning)


A boolean value indicating whether the transition is interactive when it starts.

var wantsInteractiveStart: Bool 

The value of this property is true when the transition is interactive from the moment it starts. The property is false when the transition starts off as noninteractive. However, even a transition that starts off as noninteractive may become interactive later if it implements the interruptibleAnimator(using:) method of the ViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning protocol.


Called when the system needs the animation completion curve for an interactive view controller transition.

var completionCurve: View.AnimationCurve 


Called when the system needs the speed at which to complete an interactive transition, after the interactive portion is finished.

var completionSpeed: Double