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The timing information for animations that mimics the behavior of a spring.

public class SpringTimingParameters 



Creates a default timing parameters object.

public init() 

This method sets the initial velocity of any animated properties to 0.0 and sets the damping ratio to 4.56.


Creates a timing parameters object with the specified damping ratio.

public convenience init(dampingRatio ratio: Double) 

This method sets the initial velocity of any animated properties to 0.0.


Creates a timing parameters object with the specified damping ratio and initial velocity.

public init(dampingRatio ratio: Double, initialVelocity velocity: Vector) 


Creates a timing parameters object with the specified spring stiffness, mass, damping coefficient, and initial velocity.

public init(mass: Double, stiffness: Double, damping: Double,
              initialVelocity velocity: Vector) 

The damping ratio for the spring is computed from the formula: damping / (2 * sqrt (stiffness * mass)).



The target property’s rate of change at the start of a spring animation, enabling a smooth transition into the animation.

public private(set) var initialVelocity: Vector