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A specialized button for placement on a toolbar or tab bar.

open class BarButtonItem: BarItem 

You can customize the appearance of buttons by sending the setter messages to BarButtonItemAppearance to customize all buttons, or to a specific BarButtonItem instance. You can use customized buttons in standard places in a NavigationItem object (backBarButtonItem, leftBarButtonItem, rightBarButtonItem) or a Toolbar instance.

In general, you should specify a value for the normal state so that other states without a custom value set can use it. Similarly, when a property is depends on the bar metrics, you should specify a value of BarMetrics.default.





Initializes a new item containing the specified system item.

public convenience init<Target: AnyObject>(barButtonSystemItem systemItem: BarButtonItem.SystemItem,
                                             target: Target?,
                                             action: ((Target) -> () -> Void)?) 


public convenience init<Target: AnyObject>(barButtonSystemItem systemItem: BarButtonItem.SystemItem,
                                             target: Target?,
                                             action: ((Target) -> (AnyObject?) -> Void)?) 


Initializes a new item using the specified custom view.

public convenience init(customView: View) 

The bar button item created by this method does not call the action method of its target in response to user interactions. Instead, the bar button item expects the specified custom view to handle any user interactions and provide an appropriate response.


Initializes a new item using the specified image and other properties.

public convenience init<Target: AnyObject>(image: Image?,
                                             style: BarButtonItem.Style,
                                             target: Target?,
                                             action: ((Target) -> () -> Void)?) 


public convenience init<Target: AnyObject>(image: Image?,
                                             style: BarButtonItem.Style,
                                             target: Target?,
                                             action: ((Target) -> (AnyObject?) -> Void)?) 


Initializes a new item using the specified title and other properties.

public convenience init<Target: AnyObject>(title: String?,
                                             style: BarButtonItem.Style,
                                             target: Target?,
                                             action: ((Target) -> () -> Void)?) 


public convenience init<Target: AnyObject>(title: String?,
                                             style: BarButtonItem.Style,
                                             target: Target?,
                                             action: ((Target) -> (AnyObject?) -> Void)?) 


Initializes a new item using the specified title, image, action, and context menu.

public convenience init(title: String? = nil, image: Image? = nil,
                          primaryAction: Action? = nil, menu: Menu? = nil) 

The context menu is displayed immediately when touched.


Initializes a new item using the specified system item, action, and context menu.

public convenience init(systemItem: BarButtonItem.SystemItem,
                          primaryAction: Action? = nil, menu: Menu? = nil) 

The context menu is displayed immediately when touched.


Initializes a new item using the specified images and other properties.

public convenience init<Target: AnyObject>(image: Image?,
                                             landscapeImagePhone: Image?,
                                             style: BarButtonItem.Style,
                                             target: Target?,
                                             action: ((Target) -> () -> Void)?) 

A new item initialized to use using the specified images and other properties.


public convenience init<Target: AnyObject>(image: Image?,
                                             landscapeImagePhone: Image?,
                                             style: BarButtonItem.Style,
                                             target: Target?,
                                             action: ((Target) -> (_: AnyObject?) -> Void)?) 


Initializes the bar button item to its default state.

public override init() 



The object that receives an action when the user selects the item.

open weak var target: AnyObject?

If nil, the action message is passed up the responder chain where it may be handled by any object implementing a method corresponding to the selector held by the action property. The default value is nil.


The selector defining the action message to send to the target object when the user taps this bar button item.

open var style: BarButtonItem.Style = .plain

If the value of this property is nil, no action message is sent. The default value is nil. The style of the item.

One of the constants defined in BarButtonItem.Style. The default value is BarButtonItem.Style.plain.


The set of possible titles to display on the bar button.

open var possibleTitles: Set<String>?


The width of the item.

open var width: Double = 0.0

If this property value is positive, the width of the combined image and title are fixed. If the value is 0.0 or negative, the item sets the width of the combined image and title to fit. This property is ignored if the style uses radio mode. The default value is 0.0.


A custom view representing the item.

open var customView: View?

The context menu for this button.

open var menu: Menu?

The context menu is displayed immediately when touched.


The action to send to the target when the user selects the item.

open var primaryAction: Action?

The target and action properties are ingored when primaryAction is not nil.


The tint color to apply to the button item.

open var tintColor: Color?

All subclasses of View derive their behaviour for tintColor from the base class. Although BarButtonItem is not a view, its tintColor property behaves the same as that of View. See the discussion of tintColor at the View level for more information.


The group on the shortcuts bar that the button belongs to.

open private(set) weak var buttonGroup: BarButtonItemGroup?

For bar button items installed on the shortcuts bar above the keyboard, this property contains the group to which the item belongs. This property is configured automatically when you add the bar button item to a BarButtonItemGroup object. If the item is not associated with a bar button item group, this property is nil.



Creates a new fixed space item using the width.

open class func fixedSpace(_ width: Double) -> Self 


Creates a new flexible width space item.

open class func flexibleSpace() -> Self 


Returns the back button background image for a specified control state and bar metrics.

open func backButtonBackgroundImage(for state: Control.State,
                                      barMetrics: BarMetrics) -> Image? 

This modifier applies only to navigation bar back buttons and is ignored by other buttons.


Sets the back button background image for a specified control state and bar metrics.

open func setBackButtonBackgroundImage(_ backgroundImage: Image?,
                                         for state: Control.State,
                                         barMetrics: BarMetrics) 

This modifier applies only to navigation bar back buttons and is ignored by other buttons.

For good results, backgroundImage must be a stretchable image.


Returns the back button title offset for specified bar metrics.

open func backButtonTitlePositionAdjustment(for barMetrics: BarMetrics)
      -> Offset 

This modifier applies only to navigation bar back buttons and is ignored by other buttons.


Sets the back button title offset for specified bar metrics.

open func setBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment(_ adjustment: Offset,
                                                 for barMetrics: BarMetrics) 

This modifier applies only to navigation bar back buttons and is ignored by other buttons.


Returns the back button vertical position offset for specified bar metrics.

open func backButtonBackgroundVerticalPositionAdjustment(for barMetrics: BarMetrics)
      -> Double 

This modifier applies only to navigation bar back buttons and is ignored by other buttons.

This offset is used to adjust the vertical centering of bordered bar buttons within the bar.


Sets the background vertical position offset for specified bar metrics.

open func setBackgroundVerticalPositionAdjustment(_ adjustment: Double,
                                                    for barMetrics: BarMetrics) 

This offset is used to adjust the vertical centering of bordered bar buttons within the bar.


Returns the background image for a specified state and bar metrics.

open func backgroundImage(for state: Control.State, barMetrics: BarMetrics)
      -> Image? 

The background image for the button given state and metrics.


Sets the background image for a specified state and bar metrics.

open func setBackgroundImage(_ backgroundImage: Image?,
                               for state: Control.State,
                               barMetrics: BarMetrics) 

For good results, backgroundImage must be a stretchable image.


Returns the background image for the specified state, style, and metrics.

open func backgroundImage(for state: Control.State,
                            style: BarButtonItem.Style,
                            barMetrics: BarMetrics) -> Image? 


Sets the background image for the specified state, style, and metrics.

open func setBackgroundImage(_ backgroundImage: Image?,
                               for state: Control.State,
                               style: BarButtonItem.Style,
                               barMetrics: BarMetrics) 

For good results, backgroundImage must be a stretchable image.


Returns the title offset for specified bar metrics.

open func titlePositionAdjustment(for barMetrics: BarMetrics) -> Offset 

This offset is used to adjust the position of a title (if any) within a bordered bar button.


Sets the title offset for specified bar metrics.

open func setTitlePositionAdjustment(_ adjustment: Offset,
                                       for barMetrics: BarMetrics) 

This offset is used to adjust the position of a title (if any) within a bordered bar button.